Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Blogger Stats on your Blogger Dashboard

Blogger Stats on your Blogger Dashboard

Many of you might have been using Google analytics or some third party tracking scripts for monitoring your blog statistics. Now blogger has made it much easier for you. You can now get the stats right in your dashboard without adding any extra widgets or codes to your template. This feature is not yet available on your regular dashboard. This is only available on the Blogger in Draft Dashboard.
“The coolest thing about the new Blogger Stats is that it monitors and analyzes your visitor traffic in near-real-time. You can see which posts are getting the most visits and which sites are sending traffic to your blog right now. For example, if a reader shares one of your blog posts on Twitter and the post is getting lots of clicks, you will see a traffic increase in Blogger Stats almost instantly, with the particular Tweet mentioning your post being identified as the traffic source. Of course, traffic data across longer time periods (day/week/month) and all-time historical data are available as well.”
Source : (Official blogger in Draft Blog)
The stats will keep track of the popular keywords,countries where the visitors come from,web browsers used by the visitors and lots more.
“Note that the page view data in Blogger Stats and in Google Analytics may not be identical, due to different collection mechanisms used. Also, Blogger Stats do not support private blogs for now.”
Source : (Official blogger in Draft Blog)

How to See My Blog Stats?

  1. Blogger Stats is Currently available on the Blogger in Draft Dashboard only. So login at
  2. Now Click on the Stats Link Next to your Blog
Here are the Screen shots of the different Tabs of Blogger Stats For the “Last Day” with the figures shaded out :)

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