Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010



Supermarket Band and Room Information:booking@supermarkettoronto.com

Please do not drop off “press packages”, rather, send an epk or link to a “myspace” page or band website where music files can be listened to online!

The "DOWN & DIRTY" Essentials for a Booked Show! We send out weekly listings therefore two weeks before the show we need the "listings" info: show title, who's performing, show details, door times, set times, admission, etc. We need a small, no more than 200k, web flyer in jpg or gif format for our website.  Advance the show with the sound tech! Sound checks to be completed by 6pm (talk to tech). Load in can be after noon. We have a great new Yamaha drum kit which we can rent for the evening for $25 (bring breakables, talk to tech!)
Sound technician (**NEW**:  Generally paid for by the parties presenting the evening for a minimum of 3 hours ($60) to a maximum of 5 hours ($100) and Supermarket will pay the balance to the tech over $100)
Johnny Trelawny
416.880.3699 or johnnytrelawny@yahoo.com

Legal licensed capacity - 350

About playing at Supermarket:

The space here is completely “event driven”, meaning that there is an audience later here in the evening to watch the show because your “event team” has done a great job of promoting your show. There is no street "walk-in". We do not do all ages shows – 19+ only. You take the door, we take the bar. The format here is no loud rock shows – we focus on lo-fi indie, songwriters, indie roots, alt-jazz and country, soul and jazz, some funk, etc. because we are a dining establishment as well. Opening bands for the evening should not be "too heavy" – since there is generally a cross over time between when the opening band starts performing and when dining ends, we try to make sure that the opening act is not going to have the rest of the patrons running for the door because of volume or style of music. It is a good idea for you to bring either some recorded music or an i-pod so that you can create the sound vibe that you would like for the evening before and between sets, etc.

Load-In, Parking, Soundcheck & House Techs:

We mainly do just band set-up around 6:30 or 7pm rather than full sound checks because the front room is open for dining after 6pm ("dial-in" on the fly!). Full sound checks can be arranged for late afternoon if necessary. PLEASE ADVANCE THE SHOW AND SPEAK TO THE HOUSE TECH AS TO SOUNDCHECKS ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE!  Depending on the show complexity we figure out something that works for all since the back room can be “separated” from the front. Generally there is someone in the establishment after 2pm so load-in can be anytime after that really. There is an alley behind Supermarket which runs off of College St. down to Oxford St. You can also choose to load in there (2 small steps). Go in through the front first though to let someone know you are coming around otherwise they probably will not hear you knocking. Parking is a bit difficult…street parking on Augusta, College St. after certain times…a lot down Bellevue, etc. Head house tech – Johnny Trelawny (johnnytrelawny@yahoo.com or 416-880-3699). You should contact Johnny at least a week before your gig by e-mail to advance the show. If your night is extremely successful and you are happy with your house tech you might consider slipping them a tip. Shows are often recorded here and you can make that arrangement with the tech as well if you have the necessary equipment. Also, we are now web casting many shows here through Sync Live and you can speak to the sound tech about that as well.

Door & Set Times:

You provide the door person generally (this may change and we may have a “house” door person in which case the first $$$ from the door will pay that persons wages).  We have a cash box and stamp pad. We can usually provide a float. Generally doors are 9pm. The door can be set up at the back room area if it is a “smaller” show and it will be separated from the front room or it can be set up at the front to make sure that anyone coming into Supermarket has to pass through the door. Regardless, the washrooms are at the back to the side and all patrons must pass that way to use them. 10pm is a decent time to get things started for music acts. Other events start earlier. You must have at least one break in between acts for 15 minutes please so that patrons can access the bar which is just outside the back room.  Most weeknights we like the entertainment to be finished by no later than 12:30 or so, maybe a little later on Thursday. So most events are usually 2 acts rather than 3…but whatever.

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