Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Governing Structure of the World Bank

Governing Structure of the World Bank

Available in: 
 Board of Directors bigger picture  MC Outside View  Zoellick image

The World Bank is a multi-lateral financial agency tied to the United Nations, and established in 1945.  The Bank is owned by member governments who exercise their direction through a Board of Governors, consisting of one governor for each of the 185 member countries. The governors meet once a year to review operations and basic policies. They delegate most functions and the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the organization to 25 full-time Executive Directors, who are based  at the Bank’s Headquarters in Washington, DC, USA.  
At the staff level, the Bank is managed by a President, three Managing Directors, and over 20 Vice-Presidents who oversee major operational units at the Bank’s headquarters in Washington as well as over 100 country offices.
This section of the site provides information about the governance structure of the World Bank by describing the role of the Board of Directors, as well as the responsibilities and activities of Bank Management.
More Information:Articles of Agreement
Member Countries
Board of Governors
Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the IMF
Boards of Executive Directors 
Executive Directors
Office of the President

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