Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Wi-Fi Direct provides P2P wireless sans hot spots

Wi-Fi Direct provides P2P wireless sans hot spots
Wi-Fi Direct officially became a concrete technology today with several new laptop components certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance. 

Iranian Cyber Army running botnets, researchers say
A group of malicious hackers who attacked Twitter and the Chinese search engine Baidu are also apparently running a for-rent botnet, according to new research. 

Adobe AIR breathes life into RIM PlayBook app development
Adobe has released version 2.5 of its Air runtime environment, which will be used to develop applications for Research In Motion's (RIM) upcoming tablet PlayBook, Adobe and RIM said on Monday at the MAX conference in Los Angeles. 

Apple joins Google in counterattack against Paul Allen lawsuit
Google, Apple and other major vendors are moving to dismiss charges that each has infringed on patents held by a company owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. 

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