Selasa, 30 November 2010

Balasana yoga aasan


Balasana is a Hatha yoga posture, called "Child's pose" or "Child's Resting Pose" in English.
In this pose, the knees are bent with the lower leg on the floor. The chest can rest either on the knees or the knees can be spread to about the width of a yoga mat, allowing the chest to go between the knees. The head is stretched forward toward the ground - the forehead may touch the ground. The arms may be stretched forward or turned backwards towards the feet.
Balasana is a simple relaxation position in yoga. The pose can become rather active through breath. Many yoga instructors recommend using this pose if a rest is needed and allow students to substitute this pose for Downward Dog during a sun salutation. It is usually practiced before and after Sirsasana / Headstand.

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