Selasa, 30 November 2010

Beauty tips for Beautiful Hair

Beauty tips for Beautiful Hair

After head bath, Take one mug of bellam (jaggery) mixed water and pour it on your head only. After 5 minutes wash your hair with drinking water. Now your hair will looks good and in perfect form.
  1. Do not brush your hair several times at night. This can be fatal for your hair. Hair is fragile. Rough and repeated brushing can cause it to become brittle, and easily prone to breakage.Instead, what you should do is brush your hair only as much as you really need to, till you get the knots and tangles out.
  2. Use conditioner for split ends. Remember, a conditioner is not a glue, it only works to smoothen the rough hair surface, thus making it soft.the only remedy for split ends is to trim them off. The best favour you can do your hair is to get a trim every three months.
  3. Using too much quantities of shampoos and conditioners can cause the scalp to dry out. Excessive conditioner will result in your hair looking greasy. The amount you use should depend on only one factor — the length of your hair. Those with really long hair may need a little more than a coin-sized amount.
  4. Brushing hair while it's wet seems like an easy option, but it only result in hair becoming and thus, severe breakage. Use your fingers to unknot them, instead of a brush. you can also use a large-toothed comb. Remember, be kind and gentle with your hair for that shine that will get you all the compliments.
  5. it is very important to find time to give your hair some TLC. As far as washing hair is concerned, there is no timetable for how often you must wash it. While for some, washing it every alternate day may work, there are some who may need to wash their hair every day. But washing your hair for every two three days is a good decision.
  6. Do not follow another person's routine. What works perfectly for your friend or even sister, may not necessarily work just as well for your hair. you need to take into consideration before deciding your wash routine, is your level of activity, your hair's exposure to the environment and your hair type.


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