Selasa, 30 November 2010

Health Tips for Men

Health Tips for Men

Looking for Health Tips for Women ? Look no further!

Browse the list of health tips for women for FREE to print, All these health tips are homemade and you should try these health tips for women, so that you know the value & taste of the health. What are you waiting for, lets grab your favorite health tip and comeback for more Health Tips for Women.
Health tips for women explores for working women, brides, newly married women, pregnant women, house wife and more health tips given for women according to their age. Lets browse for health tips for women for all ages. How to stay fit, healthy and beautiful naturally.
  1. You must drink lots of water. At least 8 -12 glasses of water consumption should be done by an adult women.
  2. Develop a healthy eating habit and include more fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and food rich in fiber, shoots, seeds and cereals in your diet.
  3. Increase your protein intake and also have more of carbohydrate in your diet.
  4. Always start your day by eating a big breakfast. If you are working take lunch from home instead of eating at the cafeteria.
  5. Establish an exercise routine. Staying active will help you develop a strong body that looks and feels good as you age. It can lower your risk for disease, reduce stress and protect your bones and joints. So its good and healthy too.
  6. It is wise to choose snacks from different food groups. Some choices would be: graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins.
  7. Develop a hobby works like a stress buster. It will not only divert your mind from the daily grind but will also save you from having a devils thoughts in mind.
  8. Keep your weight under control. Over weight not only hampers our daily life but also lowers our self esteem.
  9. Have safe sex using a latex condom every time you have sex. If you have not taken this step, you may need testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  10. Regular health checkup can save you from a lot of health problems later in life. You can go for a yearly or monthly checkup or more depending on your age.
  11. Go for regular Pranayama, breathing exercises and Yoga classes to stay healthy and develop your immune system. It therefore increases your resistance power.
  12. Never ignore your sleep. The perfect sleep is an indication of perfect health condition. Develop the habit of early to bed and early to rise. A minimum 8 hours sleep is must for any one.

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