Selasa, 30 November 2010

Hair Care Tips

Hair Care Tips

Don't underestimate the power of your tresses! According to Style and Makeover experts, Hair constitutes nearly 50% of your personality. Take care of your hair and they'll take care of you. Ignore them and they'll ruin your evening! Fact is, no amount of dressing up or make up can substitute for a healthy, shiny hair. Here are some quick hair care tips to help your hair look more stunning than ever.
Keep your tresses clean Whether you live in dry weather conditions or in a hot and humid climate, you need to take care of your hair regularly to keep your scalp free of dandruff and other fungal infections. A perfectly natural way to get rid off toxins and shampoo build-up from your hair is by rinsing it once a week with Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse. Avoid using hair products, which have excess oil, because they may cause blackheads over and around the forehead. When applying Hair Dyes, Hair Colors, Hairsprays and hair gels, remember to keep them away from your face, especially the eyes.
You can fix your hair at home in minutes with some of the Hair-Styling products that are available in the markets today. Dry your hair with a towel after shower and rub the texturizing cream through your hair.
If you have wavy or flyaway hair, rub a small amount of hand lotion in your hair then straighten them by combing them downwards with your fingers. Having a Flat Hair Day? Blow-drying your hair upside down for about 10 minutes could help add more volume and make your hair look bouncy. Let your hair smell good Spray your Comb or Hair Brush with your favorite perfume and then brush your hair. It'll add a subtle fragrance in your hair and make you feel good!
Thin down Your Hair Conditioner And Shampoo Most hair shampoos and conditioners are very thick so you can save some bucks by thinning them down with water and increasing the quantity. Maximize your Hair Style Most people think they can set their Hair well by constant blow-drying, but this is far from true. Truth is, your hair will set best when it is cooling off after the blow-drying. To maximize your hair-style, apply a hair spray to your hair while using blow dryer and hot rollers.

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