Selasa, 30 November 2010

Health Tips for Winter Season

Health Tips for Winter Season

Looking for Health Tips for Winter Season ? Look no further!

Browse the list of health tips for winter season for FREE to print, All these health tips are homemade and you should try these health tips for winter season, so that you know the value & taste of the health. What are you waiting for, lets grab your favorite health tip and comeback for more Health Tips for Winter Season.
  1. In cold weather, you require more calories and spices such as ginger, garlic, and cayenne to heat your body.
  2. Most of the body heat is lost through the head so wear a hat, preferably that covers ears.
  3. The winter proves to be particularly rude towards the skin. Ensure that you moisturize your skin adequately everyday, before stepping out into the cold.
  4. Wear sun block to protect yourself from the sun, the UV rays of the sun rays are harmful even in the winter season.
  5. Wash your hands regularly to protect yourself and your family from possible flu viruses that can cause mess in the winter season.
  6. Use a humidifier. It helps in controlling the level of humidity indoors. This will help reduce a feeling of dryness during the winter.
  7. The juices of the herbs like holybasil, and cassia applied topically to the skin are an effective protection against the rude and dry winter.

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